Virtually everyone on the face of this planet knows Facebook. Biggest social network on earth. Almost 2.9 billion users. Even had a movie made about it. It’ll come as no surprise to you, then, that it’s also one of the best platforms to advertise your brand. But without the right expertise, you could have some wasted dollars on your hands. And unachieved business goals to show for it. Ouch. Enter a Facebook advertising agency. Knowing the ins and outs of this social media marketing site, these experts know the best practices for both what creative should be produced AND how to optimise your budget. Partnering with such an agency will mean your ads deliver relevance and results. Let’s dive a bit deeper into the two areas that help them achieve this for your brand.

Reach the right people.
As we said, there are billions of people using Facebook. And over 200 million businesses competing for these eyeballs. Narrowing your audience to people who are most likely to show interest in your business is crucial. That’s where targeting comes in. Facebook is renowned for its vast targeting capabilities (although it has landed ‘The Zuck’ in a bit of hot water in the past). Your brand has the potential to reach people based on their interests and online behaviour – huge for reaching different steps of the customer journey. Now, with third-party cookies (i.e. blocks of data that track how you browse the wider internet) set to phase out by 2023, collecting first-party data has become the holy grail for marketers. A Facebook advertising agency can implement your first-party data and advertise to people that:
- Are your existing customers
- Have recently responded to a lead magnet
- Are part of your mailing list
- Have clicked on your Facebook ads or watched your videos
- Have visited your website or spent time on a particular page
- Location
- Demographics
- Behaviour
- Interests
- Connections

Create content that tells the right story.
It’s not enough to just have a kick-ass targeting strategy. You need something to target people with. And if it’s subpar, you remember those wasted dollars we talked about at the start? Yeah, that’s right. They’ll be coming back. A Facebook advertising agency will be able to give you guidance on how to create content that resonates with the audience you’re after. Better yet, if you find yourself partnering with a full-service agency, like True, both creative and digital will be built in one place. That means a more effective strategy, higher efficiency and an increased chance of success.

“71% of Australian shoppers use Facebook to discover new products or services.”
Is Facebook marketing worth it?
We’ll say it again, just to really bring it home. Close to 2.9 BILLION people use this platform. That’s over a third of the world’s population. As far as potential targeting pools go, we can pretty confidently say that’s one of the biggest. What’s more, Australians alone spend 1.7 hours per day on the platform. Scrolling, engaging, maybe even buying. Still not convinced? Alright, let’s have a round of quick-fire truths and see how you feel after that:
- 71% of Australian shoppers use Facebook to discover new products or services.
- Advertisers have seen their customer acquisition costs decline by as much as 73% when using Facebook ads.
- $1 USD per day of Facebook ads can get your brand in front of 4,000 new people..
- Over 40% of marketers agree that Facebook is the best marketing channel for ROI.